Merħba Mail ta ’10 Minuti huwa servizz ta 'e-mail b'xejn u li jintremew. L-indirizz tal-posta elettronika temporanju tiegħek jiskadi wara 10 minuti, u wara ma tistax taċċessah. Tista 'testendi l-ħin b'10 minuti.
Il-websajt li qed tirreġistra magħha tista 'tkun qed tbigħ l-informazzjoni personali tiegħek; qatt ma tkun taf fejn se tiġi ppubblikata l-e-mail tiegħek. Indirizz elettroniku b'ħajja ta '10 minuti huwa l-aħjar soluzzjoni biex tipprevjeni dan.
Q1: Can I customize mailboxes?
A1: NO, our website is a REAL disposable mail service, we cannot allow users to customize any name for the mailboxes. This is to protect the privacy of all users, thank you for your understanding.
Q2: Can my mailbox be regenerated?
A2: NO, we record a bitmap hash of the generated mailbox name. After the mailbox has been deleted, this record will prevent the same mailbox name ever being generated again.
Q3: It just 10 minutes?
A3: NO, you can extend the time before it expires, and always extend the time let mailbox does not expire.
Contact us
Jekk jogħġbok uża Facebook jew Email: [email protected] biex tikkuntattjana (bl-Ingliż jew biċ-Ċiniż). Jekk jogħġbok innota li mhux dejjem nirrispondu, imma nippruvaw nagħmlu l-almu tagħna.