mau taviri Directions I roto i te Whakamāoritia kiEnglish (United States) META_KEYWORD in meta tag keyword 10 Minute Mail : He wāhitau ī - mēra Rangitahi , tuku , free , a haumaru hoki te ārai pāme META_DESCRIPTION in meta tag description Rangitahi ratonga īmēra tuku ki te whiua pāme. A ape i pāme ki te, haumaru 10-meneti wāhitau ī-mēra free. Whakamahia to tatou taviniraa ei pinepine rite rite koe. LBL_TITLE site name in your language (need to be translated) 10 Minute Mēra LBL_TITLE2 LBL_TITLE_MOBILE site name in your language (need to be translated) + mobile 10 Minute Mēra Mobile HELP_ABOUT about Ko te , tuku ratonga ī - mēra free . Ka pau te tau wāhitau ī - mēra rangitahi i muri i te 10 meneti , i muri i nei e kore e taea e te uru e koe i te reira . Ka taea e koe whakawhānui i te wa e 10 meneti . te paetukutuku koutou e rēhita ki taea te hoko koutou pārongo whaiaro ; e kore koutou matau ki te wahi e kia whakaputaina koutou ī - mēra . He wāhitau īmēra ki te meneti roa 10 Ko te otinga pai ki te ārai i tenei . LBL_10_MINUTE_MAIL first title (site name need to be translated) Nau mai ki te 10 Minute Mail LBL_10_MINUTE_MAIL_MOBILE first mobile title (site name need to be translated) Nau mai ki te 10 Minute Mobile Mail LBL_MOBILE_TITLE mobile Mobile LBL_LANGUAGE_INFO About Language Mō te reo LBL_INDEX in menu Kāinga LBL_MENU Menu tahua LBL_ABOUT in menu Mō LBL_FEEDBACK in menu Urupare LBL_MAILBOX InBox title PouakaRoto LBL_WELCOMETO Welcome to Nau mai ki LBL_MAIL Email: īmēra : LBL_YOUREMAIL display email address, mail address will replace %s Tō wāhitau ī-mēra poto ko:%s LBL_YOUREMAIL_WILL display lift time, time will replace %s Ka pau te tau wāhitau ī - mēra i roto i %s LBL_MORE_10_MINUTE more time Homai ki ahau meneti atu %s ! LBL_NEWONE get another e-mail address. Haere tetahi wāhitau ī-mēra. (Ka pau E-mēra o nāianei.) LBL_COPY copy to clipboard Tāruatia ki te Papatopenga LBL_LOADING loading... Loading... LBL_RECOVERING recover address, mail address will replace %s Whakaora mukua wāhitau ī-mēra:%s. LBL_FOLLOW_US Follow us A pee i tatou LBL_BLOG Blog Blog LBL_FEATURE_A_TITLE Disposable tuku i LBL_FEATURE_A_CONTENT about Disposable Kua tikanga pouaka katoa, kua mukua kotahi koutou pouaka kahore he tangata ake ka taea ki te uru i te reira ano. LBL_FEATURE_B_TITLE Private inbox pouakaroto tūmataiti LBL_FEATURE_B_CONTENT about Private inbox E kore matou e whakarato pouakamēra ritenga. Kei te matapōkeretia hanga pouaka. kua tou ingoa pouakamēra kua whakamahia kotahi kore e whakamahia ano te reira. e kore e taea e ki te pānui i tō mēra etahi. LBL_FEATURE_C_TITLE Refill in time Whakakī hou i roto i te wa LBL_FEATURE_C_CONTENT about Refill in time Ka taea e koe whakawhānui i te wa i roto i pouaka wa whai hua. Ka taea e koe whakaturia ake ki te 100 meneti. LBL_FEATURE_D_TITLE Recovery Whakaora LBL_FEATURE_D_CONTENT about Recovery Ka taea te whakahokia koutou pouaka tika-pau i mua i te tangohia te reira i te pūnaha. LBL_FEATURE_E_TITLE Mobile support tautoko Mobile LBL_FEATURE_E_CONTENT about Mobile support to tatou i te paetukutuku i whakatapua mo ngā pūrere pūkoro, ka taea e koe ngāwari te whakamahi i to tatou mahi i runga i tō pūrere pūkoro. LBL_FEATURE_F_TITLE Domain changed ke Domain LBL_FEATURE_F_CONTENT about Domain changed whakakapi tatou i te ingoa rohe katoa 45 ra, ki te karo i te tahi kaiwhakahaere ārai i to tatou rohe. LBL_NEED_SUPPORT 10 Minute Mail needs your support 10 Minute Me Mail koutou tautoko LBL_SUPPORT_US Support 10 Minute Mail Tautoko 10 Minute Mail LBL_MAKE_DONATION Make a donation to us Hanga he takoha ki a tatou LBL_OR Or ranei CONTACT_TITLE Contact us Whakapā mai CONTACT_INFO about Contact Koa whakamahi Facebook Īmēra ranei:%s ki te whakapā tatou (i roto i te reo Ingarihi Chinese ranei). Me mōhio e kore e pahono tonu matou, engari tamata i te rave i to tatou pai. FAQ_TITLE FAQ FAQ FAQ_Q1 Q1 Q1: Ka taea e whakarite ahau pouakamēra? FAQ_A1 A1 A1: KORE, to tatou paetukutuku ko te ratonga mēra tuku REAL, tatou e nehenehe kore tukua kaiwhakamahi ki te whakarite i tetahi ingoa mo te pouaka. Ko tenei ki te tiaki i te tūmataitinga o ngā kaiwhakamahi katoa, whakawhetai ki a koutou mo to koutou matauranga. FAQ_Q2 Q2 Q2: Ka taea e te regenerated toku pouaka? FAQ_A2 A2 A2: KORE, tuhi matou he Hash maheremoka o te ingoa pouaka i hanga. I muri kua te pouaka kua mukua, ka aukati i tenei record te ingoa pouakamēra taua ake te hanga ano. FAQ_Q3 Q3 Q3: te reira noa 10 meneti? FAQ_A3 A3 A3: KORE, ka taea e koe whakawhānui i te wa i mua i pau te reira, a nga wa katoa whakawhānui i te wa kaua e kore e pouaka hemo. WELCOME_EMAIL_TITLE Hi, Welcome to 10 Minute Mail Hi, Nau mai ki te 10 Minute Mail WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_HEAD about Greetings, Attention to HTML Here Anonymous, Mauruuru koe hoki te whakamahi i 10 Minute Mail ki te whawhai pāme, tou īmēra tuku rangitahi he: WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_LINE_1 about Time, Attention to HTML Whakamahia te reira ki te kōrero ki tetahi paetukutuku e hiahia ana koe ki te. E koe 10 meneti ki te whakamahi i tenei pouaka, Ki te kahore te mea nui te wa, i te pāwhiri "Homai ki ahau atu 10 meneti" "whakakīhia" ranei ki te whakawhānui i te reira. WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_LINE_2 about Privacy, Attention to HTML For using this service you MUST enable cookie and javascript, cookie is just to record your session id and language preference, in addition to following third-party website widget: Addthis, Adsense, Analytics, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Uservoice, Viglink, etc., we will NOT give your personal information to third parties or used for personal identification. WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_FOOTER about Ending, Attention to HTML 10 Minute Mail TeamA pee i tatou: Facebook Twitter Google+ INFO_TIMESUP mail address expired message He whaiaro-destructed koutou ī-mēra rangitahi. INFO_COMPLETELY_DELETED Your temporary e-mail %s has been deleted completely, can not recover. Kua koutou ī-mēra rangitahi% s kua mukua rawa, a kore e taea te whakahokia. INFO_REPORT Thank you for reporting issues, we will be fixed soon. Mauruuru koe hoki te pūrongo i ngā take. Ka ratou kia whakaritea hohoro. INFO_YOUCAN You can... taea e koe ... INFO_REFRESH refresh this page. Tāmata tēnei whārangi. INFO_GET_NEWONE get another e-mail address. Haere tetahi wāhitau ī-mēra. INFO_FREEBACK Feedback Urupare INFO_HISTORY Check mailbox history. Tirohia hītori pouaka. LBL_TRANSLATE Translate Whakamāoritia LBL_MORE_10_MINUTE_2 MUST SHORT, Refill (More Time) whakakīhia LBL_NEWONE_2 MUST SHORT, New (Get new mail address) New LBL_RECOVERING_2 MUST SHORT, Recover (Recover deleted mail address) Whakaora INFO_REFRESH_2 MUST SHORT, Refresh (Refresh inbox) Tāmata LBL_CANCEL MUST SHORT, Cancel Whakakore LBL_SUBMIT MUST SHORT, Submit tuku LBL_OK MUST SHORT, OK OK LBL_DELETE MUST SHORT, Delete Mukua LBL_DELETE_ALL MUST SHORT, Delete all Mukua katoa LBL_SELECT_ALL MUST SHORT, Select all Tīpakohia katoa LBL_INVERT_SELECTION MUST SHORT, Invert selection kōwhiringa Huripokia LBL_MOBILE Mobile version putanga Mobile MAIL_READ ReadMail Lau Mail MAIL_FROM From Mai MAIL_SUBJECT Subject Kaupapa MAIL_NOSUBJECT No Subject Kāore he Kaupapa MAIL_DATE Date rā MAIL_TO To ki MAIL_MAIN Message karere MAIL_ERROR_OPEN access e-mail failure messages I rahua te ngana ki te uru ī-mēra kua. MAIL_ERROR_NOT insufficient permissions messages e kore koe e whai whakaaetanga ki te uru tenei ī-mēra. MAIL_LINKS Links hononga MAIL_OPTIONS Options kōwhiringa MAIL_READ_HELP If you can't read this email, click here Ki te kore koe e taea e kite i tenei īmēra, pāwhiritia konei MAIL_FULL_MAIL Full mail mēra tonu MAIL_NEW_WINDOW New window matapihi hou MAIL_RAW_HTML Raw HTML Raw HTML MAIL_REPORT Report pūrongo MAIL_PLAIN Plain Tōkau MAIL_HTML HTML HTML MAIL_HTML_TO_PLAIN HTML to Plain HTML ki Tōkau MAIL_URLS Urls URLs MAIL_ATTACHMENTS Attachments āpitihanga TIME_JUST_NOW just now tika inaianei TIME_SECOND 1 second 1 te rua TIME_SECONDS %s seconds, number will replace %s %S hēkona TIME_MINUTE 1 minute 1 meneti TIME_MINUTES %s minutes, number will replace %s %s meneti TIME_HOUR 1 hour 1 haora TIME_HOURS %s hours, number will replace %s %s haora TIME_DAY 1 day 1 day TIME_DAYS %s days, number will replace %s %s ra TIME_WEEK 1 week 1 wiki TIME_WEEKS %s weeks, number will replace %s %s wiki TIME_MONTH 1 month 1 marama TIME_MONTHS %s months, number will replace %s %s marama TIME_YEAR 1 year 1 tau TIME_YEARS %s years, number will replace %s %s tau TIME_AGO %s ago, time will replace %s %s i mua LBL_DONATE Donate, MUST short Donate LBL_DONATE_COIN keep {coinName} Donate {coinName} LBL_DONATE_HELP Donate help info, keep {coin} Please use this {coin} address to donate. Thanks for your contribution! LBL_DONATE_ADDRESS Donate address Click here to send this address to your wallet. PERMALINK_GET Get permalink. Haere permalink. PERMALINK_LINK Permalink: permalink: PERMALINK_TIME Email Datetime: Īmēra dateTime: PERMALINK_SET_KEY Set Access Key: Set Access Key: PERMALINK_ENTER_KEY Enter Access Key: E tomo Key Access: PERMALINK_TITLE Please complete the form below to get permalink. Koa whakaoti i te puka i raro nei ki te tiki permalink. PERMALINK_TITLE3 Please complete the form below to get mailbox. Koa whakaoti i te puka i raro nei ki te tiki pouaka. PERMALINK_ERROR Checksum error, make sure the URL or Access Key are correct. hapa Checksum, kia te URL ranei e tika Key Access. PERMALINK_URL_ERROR Your URL is wrong, please check again. he he to koutou URL, tēnā tirohia ano. PERMALINK_DOMAIN_ERROR This domain is expired, go to to recover your mailbox. Kei te hemo tenei rohe, haere ki ki ora koutou pouaka. PERMALINK_NOTICE Anyone who has permalink and access key can access this mailbox, if you don't want to announce the mailbox, do not disclose it. Te tiaki i tō permalink me kī uru! Te tangata e te riro te uru ki enei taea te uru ki tō pouaka. PERMALINK_TITLE2 Here is your permalink, you can use this link to access the mailbox permanently. Tenei ko to koutou permalink, ka taea e koe te whakamahi i tēnei hono ki te uru i te pouaka tūturu. LBL_HISTORY short, History of email address History HISTORY_REFRESH Must short, Refresh Tāmata HISTORY_EXPORT Must short, Export Kaweake HISTORY_EXPORT_ALL Must short, Export all Kaweake katoa HISTORY_IMPORT Must short, Import Kawemai HISTORY_LIST Must short, List Rārangi HISTORY_DELIMITER Must short, Delimiter kaiwehe HISTORY_JSON JSON JSON HISTORY_DOWNLOAD Must short, Download Tikiake HISTORY_WRONG There is something wrong, please check. He te tahi mea he, tēnā tirohia. HISTORY_MAIL Must short, Mail Mail HISTORY_KEY Must short, Access key kī Access HISTORY_URL Must short, URL URL HISTORY_DATETIME Must short, Datetime Datetime HISTORY_CHOOSE Choose doamin name: Kōwhiri ingoa rohe: HISTORY_IMPORT_HELP_LINE_1 import help line 1 Ka taea e koe te kawemai hītori īmēra i ētahi atu, engari fakangatangata ingoa rohe e kei te whakamahia anake. HISTORY_IMPORT_HELP_LINE_2 import help line 2, translate part before the colon. farii i anake JSON ngohi: ngohi [ahanoa {mēra, url, matua, wa}, ahanoa, ...] DATATABLES_EMPTYTABLE when table is empty Kāore he raraunga e wātea ana i roto i te ripanga. DATATABLES_INFO notice keep _START_ _END_ _TOTAL_ Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries DATATABLES_INFOEMPTY when table is empty Showing 0 ki 0 o 0 tāurunga DATATABLES_INFOFILTERED notice keep "(", ")" and _MAX_ (Tātarihia i _MAX_ tāurunga katoa) DATATABLES_INFOPOSTFIX Do not change . DATATABLES_THOUSANDS Do not change , DATATABLES_LENGTHMENU notice keep _MENU_ Show _MENU_ entries DATATABLES_LOADINGRECORDS Loading... Loading... DATATABLES_PROCESSING Processing... Tukatuka ... DATATABLES_SEARCH Must short ,notice the colon Rapu: DATATABLES_ZERORECODERS No matching records found. kitea he pūkete ōrite. DATATABLES_PAGINATE_FIRST Must short tuatahi DATATABLES_PAGINATE_LAST Must short Last DATATABLES_PAGINATE_NEXT Must short Next DATATABLES_PAGINATE_PREVIOUS Must short Tōmua DATATABLES_ARIA_SORTASCENDING notice the colon : Whakahohe ki te kōmaka tīwae piki ake DATATABLES_ARIA_DESCENDING notice the colon : Whakahohe ki te kōmaka tīwae heke HISTORY_HELP_LINE_1 Need to be translated Kei te rongoa Permalink me te uru matua i runga i tō pūtirotiro, e kore matou e pupuri i tou raraunga. Ki te ūkui koe tou raraunga pūtirotiro, ka kia whakawāteatia enei pūkete. HISTORY_HELP_LINE_2 Need to be translated Me mōhio i te ina whakakapi tatou i te ingoa rohe, ka kia whakawāteatia te record tawhito. E pā ana tēnei ki te ingoa katoa rohe kua monokia me te mēra paraurehe nui, e te hunga pupuri i mahi matou, pea kotahi te ra e taea te hanga matou i te permalink ki nga pouaka katoa. HISTORY_HELP_NO_SUPPORT Need to be translated, infomation when browser does not support localStorage e kore e koutou pūtirotiro tautoko rokiroki rohe, tēnā kia he nui na IE koutou putanga pūtirotiro 8+, Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+, Opera 10.5+, ka taea te pae ki te uru rokiroki rohe. HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_TITLE Delete confirm Mukua te akapapu HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_TEXT Singular E tika ana koe ki te muku i te wāhitau e whai ake? HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_ES_TEXT plurality E tino koe e hiahia ana koe ki te muku i te wāhitau e whai ake nei? HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_ALL_TEXT All of E tino koe e hiahia ana koe ki te muku wāhitau katoa? REPOTER_SELECT Please select one issue from the options. tīpako koa tetahi take i te kōwhiringa. REPOTER_RECEIVE Can not receive the mail from a website. Kāore e taea te whiwhi i te mēra i te paetukutuku. REPOTER_READ Can not read email. Kāore e taea te pānui i email. REPOTER_ATTACHMENTS Can not download attachments. Kāore e taea te tikiake i ngā āpitihanga. REPOTER_LINKS URL links in email have problems. hononga URL i roto i te ī-mēra i raruraru. REPOTER_ELSE Else, please describe the problem. Ranei, tēnā whakaahua te raruraru. SUBMIT_LEAVE_NAME Please leave a name at least. Koa waiho te ingoa i te iti rawa. SUBMIT_SELECT_ONE Please select one issue from the options. tīpako koa tetahi take i te kōwhiringa. SUBMIT_CONFIRM Are you sure you want to submit the form? E tino koe e hiahia ana koe ki te tuku i tēnei puka? TRANSLATE_YOURNAME your name ingoa TRANSLATE_YOUREMAIL your mail Mail TRANSLATE_YOURWEBSITE your website paetukutuku TRANSLATE_YOURCOMMENTS your comments Comments TRANSLATE_DIRECTIONS in translate page directions Directions TRANSLATE_KEYS in translate page keys mau taviri TRANSLATE_IN_LANGUAGE in translate page in language I roto i te%s TRANSLATE_TRANSLATE_TO_LANGUAGE in translate page translate to language Whakamāoritia ki%s TRANSLATE_THANKS Thanks following friend(s) to help translate: Mauruuru koe ki te hoa e whai ake (s) mo te tauturu ia tatou ia iriti: TRANSLATE_CHOOSE Choose language: Kōwhiri reo: TRANSLATE_HELP Help us translate website Āwhina iriti tatou paetukutuku. RECAPTCHA_HELP shows when used to many addresses, IP will replace %s He maha rawa ngā wāhitau tonoa i tou IP,%s. E ti'a ia tatou ki te hanga tino e te tangata koe. whakahoki koa te CAPTCHA i raro, a ka pāwhiri i te pātene tuku ki te tiki i te haamauraa. RECAPTCHA_VISUAL_CHALLENGE Get a visual challenge Haere i te wero ataata RECAPTCHA_AUDIO_CHALLENGE Get an audio challenge Haere i te wero ororongo RECAPTCHA_REFRESH_BTN Get a new challenge Haere i te wero hou RECAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS_VISUAL Type the two words: Patohia nga kupu e rua: RECAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS_VISUAL_LIMIT Type the numbers Patohia nga tau: RECAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS_AUDIO Type what you hear: Patohia nga mea e rongo koutou: RECAPTCHA_HELP_BTN Help Āwhina RECAPTCHA_PLAY_AGAIN Play sound again Play tangi ano RECAPTCHA_CANT_HEAR_THIS Download sound as MP3 Tikiake tangi hei MP3 RECAPTCHA_INCORRECT_TRY_AGAIN Incorrect. Try again. Hē. Ngana ano. ERROR_404_TITLE page not found ,title 404 Kāore i kitea ERROR_404_HELP about page not found Te whārangi e rapu ana koutou no te ai kua tangohia, i puta ke tona ingoa, ranei he korewātea poto. ERROR_403_TITLE forbidden ,title 403: whakakahore Access te ERROR_403_HELP about forbidden e kore koe e whai whakaaetanga ki tiro tenei whaiaronga whārangi ranei. ERROR_500_TITLE shows when site is down, title 500 Hapa Tūmau ā- ERROR_500_HELP shows when site is down He he raruraru ki te rauemi e rapu ana koutou mo te, a e kore e taea te whakaatu te reira. ERROR_503_TITLE shows when site is down, title 503 Ratonga Korewātea HELP_DOWN shows when site is down. Ko mo te kaha. ka hoki kia hohoro tatou. ERROR_BACKUP_SITE shows when something wrong. Koa ngana nga hononga e whai ake nei ranei pae tārua: