Teclas Direções Em Traduzir para English (United States) META_KEYWORD in meta tag keyword Email por 10 Minutos: um endereço de email temporário, descartável, gratuito, e seguro para prevenção de spam META_DESCRIPTION in meta tag description Serviço de email temporário e descartável para combater o spam. Evite o spam com um e-mail gratuito, e seguro por 10 minutos. Use o nosso serviço quantas vezes quiser. LBL_TITLE site name in your language (need to be translated) Email por 10 Minutos LBL_TITLE2 10minutemail.net 10minutemail.net LBL_TITLE_MOBILE site name in your language (need to be translated) + mobile Email por 10 Minutos Movel HELP_ABOUT about 10minutemail.net O 10minutemail.net é um serviço gratuito de email descartável. O seu endereço de email temporário expirará ao fim de 10 minutos, após is quais não poderá aceder ao mesmo. Poderá estender o tempo por 10 minutos.O site ao qual se está a registar poderá estar a vender a sua informaiçãos pessoal; você nunca sabe onde o seu email ser publicado. Um endereço de email por 10 minutos é a melhor solução para resolver prevenir essa situação. LBL_10_MINUTE_MAIL first title (site name need to be translated) Bem-Vindo ao Email por 10 Minutos LBL_10_MINUTE_MAIL_MOBILE first mobile title (site name need to be translated) Bem-vindo ao Email por 10 Minutos Mobile LBL_MOBILE_TITLE mobile Mobile LBL_LANGUAGE_INFO About Language Acerca do idioma LBL_INDEX in menu Início LBL_MENU Menu Menu LBL_ABOUT in menu Acerca LBL_FEEDBACK in menu Respostas LBL_MAILBOX InBox title Caixa de Entrada LBL_WELCOMETO Welcome to Bem-Vindo a LBL_MAIL Email: Email: LBL_YOUREMAIL display email address, mail address will replace %s O seu endereço de e-mail temporário é: %s LBL_YOUREMAIL_WILL display lift time, time will replace %s O seu endereço e-mail irá expirar em %s LBL_MORE_10_MINUTE more time Dê-me mais %s minutos! LBL_NEWONE get another e-mail address. Obtenha outro endereço e-mail. (E-mail actual irá expirar.) LBL_COPY copy to clipboard Copiar para a área de transferência LBL_LOADING loading... A carregar... LBL_RECOVERING recover address, mail address will replace %s Recuperar o endereço de e-mail eliminado: %s. LBL_FOLLOW_US Follow us Siga-nos LBL_BLOG Blog Blog LBL_FEATURE_A_TITLE Disposable Descartável LBL_FEATURE_A_CONTENT about Disposable Todas as caixas de correio são descartadas, uma vez que a caixa de email tenha sito eliminada, ninguém poderá voltar a acede-la. LBL_FEATURE_B_TITLE Private inbox Caixa de entrada privada LBL_FEATURE_B_CONTENT about Private inbox Nós não fornecemos um endereço de e-mail personalizado, os mesmos são gerados aleatoriamente. Os endereços utilizados não serão utilizados novamente. Ninguém além de si será capaz de visualizar os seus e-mails. LBL_FEATURE_C_TITLE Refill in time Repor a tempo LBL_FEATURE_C_CONTENT about Refill in time Poderá estender o tempo do endereço de e-mail. Poderá defini-lo até 100 minutos. LBL_FEATURE_D_TITLE Recovery Recuperação LBL_FEATURE_D_CONTENT about Recovery O seu endereço de email recém expirado pode ser recuperado antes de ser removido do sistema. LBL_FEATURE_E_TITLE Mobile support Suporte móvel LBL_FEATURE_E_CONTENT about Mobile support Temos um site dedicado para dispositivos móveis, poderá utilizar facilmente o nosso serviço no seu dispositivo móvel. LBL_FEATURE_F_TITLE Domain changed O domínio mudou LBL_FEATURE_F_CONTENT about Domain changed Substituímos o nome do domínio a cada 45 dias, de modo a evitar que algum administrador bloqueie o nosso domínio. LBL_NEED_SUPPORT 10 Minute Mail needs your support O 10 Minute Mail precisa da sua ajuda! LBL_SUPPORT_US Support 10 Minute Mail Ajudar 10 Minute Mail LBL_MAKE_DONATION Make a donation to us Faça-nos uma doação LBL_OR Or Ou CONTACT_TITLE Contact us Contacte-nos CONTACT_INFO about Contact Por favor use o Facebook ou E-mail: %s para nos contactar (em Inglês ou Chinês). Por favor, tenha em conta que nem sempre poderemos responder, mas tentamos sempre fazer o nosso melhor. FAQ_TITLE FAQ FAQ FAQ_Q1 Q1 Q1: Posso personalizar caixas de entrada? FAQ_A1 A1 A1: NÃO, o nosso website é um serviço de e-mail descartável REAL, nós não podemos permitir aos utilizadores que personalizem qualquer nome das caixas de entrada. Isto serve para proteger a privacidade de todos os utilizadores. Obrigado pela sua compreensão! FAQ_Q2 Q2 Q2: Can my mailbox be regenerated? FAQ_A2 A2 A2: NO, we record a bitmap hash of the generated mailbox name. After the mailbox has been deleted, this record will prevent the same mailbox name ever being generated again. FAQ_Q3 Q3 Q3: It just 10 minutes? FAQ_A3 A3 A3: NO, you can extend the time before it expires, and always extend the time let mailbox does not expire. WELCOME_EMAIL_TITLE Hi, Welcome to 10 Minute Mail Olá, bem vindo ao Email por 10 Minutos WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_HEAD about Greetings, Attention to HTML Caro Anónimo, Obrigado por usar o Email por 10 Minutos para travar spam, o seu email temporário e descartável é: WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_LINE_1 about Time, Attention to HTML Use it to communicate with any website you want to. You have 10 minutes to use this mailbox, If the time is not enough, by click "Give me more 10 minutes" or "Refill" to extend it. WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_LINE_2 about Privacy, Attention to HTML For using this service you MUST enable cookie and javascript, cookie is just to record your session id and language preference, in addition to following third-party website widget: Addthis, Adsense, Analytics, etc., we will NOT give your personal information to third parties or used for personal identification. WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_FOOTER about Ending, Attention to HTML 10 Minute Mail TeamFollow us : Facebook Twitter INFO_TIMESUP mail address expired message O teu endereço de e-mail temporário foi auto-destruído. INFO_COMPLETELY_DELETED Your temporary e-mail %s has been deleted completely, can not recover. O teu e-mail temporário, %s, foi eliminado completamente e já não poderá ser recuperado. INFO_REPORT Thank you for reporting issues, we will be fixed soon. Obrigado por teres reportado a ocorrência, nós iremos repará-lo em breve. INFO_YOUCAN You can... Tu podes... INFO_REFRESH refresh this page. Atualizar esta página. INFO_GET_NEWONE get another e-mail address. Obtenha outro endereço e-mail. INFO_FREEBACK Feedback Comentários INFO_HISTORY Check mailbox history. Check mailbox history. LBL_TRANSLATE Translate Translate LBL_MORE_10_MINUTE_2 MUST SHORT, Refill (More Time) Refill LBL_NEWONE_2 MUST SHORT, New (Get new mail address) New LBL_RECOVERING_2 MUST SHORT, Recover (Recover deleted mail address) Recover INFO_REFRESH_2 MUST SHORT, Refresh (Refresh inbox) Refresh LBL_CANCEL MUST SHORT, Cancel Cancel LBL_SUBMIT MUST SHORT, Submit Submit LBL_OK MUST SHORT, OK OK LBL_DELETE MUST SHORT, Delete Delete LBL_DELETE_ALL MUST SHORT, Delete all Delete all LBL_SELECT_ALL MUST SHORT, Select all Select all LBL_INVERT_SELECTION MUST SHORT, Invert selection Invert selection LBL_MOBILE Mobile version Mobile version MAIL_READ ReadMail Ler Mail MAIL_FROM From De MAIL_SUBJECT Subject Assunto MAIL_NOSUBJECT No Subject Sem sujeito MAIL_DATE Date Data MAIL_TO To Para MAIL_MAIN Message Mensagem MAIL_ERROR_OPEN access e-mail failure messages Erro ao aceder ao email. MAIL_ERROR_NOT insufficient permissions messages Tu não tens permissão para aceder a este e-mail. MAIL_LINKS Links Links MAIL_OPTIONS Options Opções MAIL_READ_HELP If you can't read this email, click here Se não consegues ler este mail, clica aqui MAIL_FULL_MAIL Full mail Mail cheio MAIL_NEW_WINDOW New window Nova janela MAIL_RAW_HTML Raw HTML HTML em bruto MAIL_REPORT Report Reportar MAIL_PLAIN Plain Plano MAIL_HTML HTML HTML MAIL_HTML_TO_PLAIN HTML to Plain HTML to texto plano MAIL_URLS Urls Urls MAIL_ATTACHMENTS Attachments Anexos TIME_JUST_NOW just now agora mesmo TIME_SECOND 1 second 1 segundo TIME_SECONDS %s seconds, number will replace %s %s segundos TIME_MINUTE 1 minute 1 minuto TIME_MINUTES %s minutes, number will replace %s %s minutos TIME_HOUR 1 hour 1 hora TIME_HOURS %s hours, number will replace %s %s horas TIME_DAY 1 day 1 dia TIME_DAYS %s days, number will replace %s %s dias TIME_WEEK 1 week 1 semana TIME_WEEKS %s weeks, number will replace %s %s semanas TIME_MONTH 1 month 1 mês TIME_MONTHS %s months, number will replace %s %s meses TIME_YEAR 1 year 1 ano TIME_YEARS %s years, number will replace %s %s anos TIME_AGO %s ago, time will replace %s há %s LBL_DONATE Donate, MUST short Donate LBL_DONATE_COIN keep {coinName} Donate {coinName} LBL_DONATE_HELP Donate help info, keep {coin} Please use this {coin} address to donate. Thanks for your contribution! LBL_DONATE_ADDRESS Donate address Click here to send this address to your wallet. PERMALINK_GET Get permalink. Get permalink. PERMALINK_LINK Permalink: Permalink: PERMALINK_TIME Email Datetime: Email Datetime: PERMALINK_SET_KEY Set Access Key: Set Access Key: PERMALINK_ENTER_KEY Enter Access Key: Enter Access Key: PERMALINK_TITLE Please complete the form below to get permalink. Please complete the form below to get permalink. PERMALINK_TITLE3 Please complete the form below to get mailbox. Please complete the form below to get mailbox. PERMALINK_ERROR Checksum error, make sure the URL or Access Key are correct. Checksum error, make sure the URL or Access Key are correct. PERMALINK_URL_ERROR Your URL is wrong, please check again. Your URL is wrong, please check again. PERMALINK_DOMAIN_ERROR This domain is expired, go to https://10.re to recover your mailbox. This domain is expired, go to https://10.re to recover your mailbox. PERMALINK_NOTICE Anyone who has permalink and access key can access this mailbox, if you don't want to announce the mailbox, do not disclose it. Protect your permalink and access key! Anyone who gains access to these can access your mailbox. PERMALINK_TITLE2 Here is your permalink, you can use this link to access the mailbox permanently. Here is your permalink, you can use this link to access the mailbox permanently. LBL_HISTORY short, History of email address History HISTORY_REFRESH Must short, Refresh Refresh HISTORY_EXPORT Must short, Export Export HISTORY_EXPORT_ALL Must short, Export all Export all HISTORY_IMPORT Must short, Import Import HISTORY_LIST Must short, List List HISTORY_DELIMITER Must short, Delimiter Delimiter HISTORY_JSON JSON JSON HISTORY_DOWNLOAD Must short, Download Download HISTORY_WRONG There is something wrong, please check. There is something wrong, please check. HISTORY_MAIL Must short, Mail Mail HISTORY_KEY Must short, Access key Access key HISTORY_URL Must short, URL URL HISTORY_DATETIME Must short, Datetime Datetime HISTORY_CHOOSE Choose doamin name: Choose domain name: HISTORY_IMPORT_HELP_LINE_1 import help line 1 You can import email history from others, but only limit domain name which is being used. HISTORY_IMPORT_HELP_LINE_2 import help line 2, translate part before the colon. Only accept JSON array: array[ object{ mail, url, key, time }, object, ... ] DATATABLES_EMPTYTABLE when table is empty No data available in table. DATATABLES_INFO notice keep _START_ _END_ _TOTAL_ Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries DATATABLES_INFOEMPTY when table is empty Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries DATATABLES_INFOFILTERED notice keep "(", ")" and _MAX_ (filtered from _MAX_ total entries) DATATABLES_INFOPOSTFIX Do not change . DATATABLES_THOUSANDS Do not change , DATATABLES_LENGTHMENU notice keep _MENU_ Show _MENU_ entries DATATABLES_LOADINGRECORDS Loading... Loading... DATATABLES_PROCESSING Processing... Processing... DATATABLES_SEARCH Must short ,notice the colon Search: DATATABLES_ZERORECODERS No matching records found. No matching records found. DATATABLES_PAGINATE_FIRST Must short First DATATABLES_PAGINATE_LAST Must short Last DATATABLES_PAGINATE_NEXT Must short Next DATATABLES_PAGINATE_PREVIOUS Must short Previous DATATABLES_ARIA_SORTASCENDING notice the colon : activate to sort column ascending DATATABLES_ARIA_DESCENDING notice the colon : activate to sort column descending HISTORY_HELP_LINE_1 Need to be translated Permalink and access key is stored on your browser, we do not keep your data. If you clear your browser data, these records will be cleared. HISTORY_HELP_LINE_2 Need to be translated Please note that when we replace the domain name, the old record will be cleared. This applies to all domain name has been disabled and the huge junk mail, which we are keep working, maybe one day we can make a permalink to all the mailboxes. HISTORY_HELP_NO_SUPPORT Need to be translated, infomation when browser does not support localStorage Your browser does not support local storage, please make sure your browser version is greater then IE 8+, Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+, Opera 10.5+, and allows the site to access local storage. HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_TITLE Delete confirm Delete confirm HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_TEXT Singular Are you sure you want to delete the following address? HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_ES_TEXT plurality Are you sure you want to delete the following addresses? HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_ALL_TEXT All of Are you sure you want to delete all addresses? REPOTER_SELECT Please select one issue from the options. Por favor seleccione um problema das opções. REPOTER_RECEIVE Can not receive the mail from a website. Não consegue receber correio de um website. REPOTER_READ Can not read email. Não consegue ler o email. REPOTER_ATTACHMENTS Can not download attachments. Não consegue transferir os anexos. REPOTER_LINKS URL links in email have problems. Os links de URL no email têm problemas. REPOTER_ELSE Else, please describe the problem. Outra coisa, por favor descreva o problema. SUBMIT_LEAVE_NAME Please leave a name at least. Por favor deixe um nome no mínimo. SUBMIT_SELECT_ONE Please select one issue from the options. Por favor seleccione uma ocorrência nas opções SUBMIT_CONFIRM Are you sure you want to submit the form? Tens a certeza que queres submeter o formulário? TRANSLATE_YOURNAME your name Nome TRANSLATE_YOUREMAIL your mail Mail TRANSLATE_YOURWEBSITE your website Site TRANSLATE_YOURCOMMENTS your comments Comentários TRANSLATE_DIRECTIONS in translate page directions Direções TRANSLATE_KEYS in translate page keys Teclas TRANSLATE_IN_LANGUAGE in translate page in language Em %s TRANSLATE_TRANSLATE_TO_LANGUAGE in translate page translate to language Traduzir para %s TRANSLATE_THANKS Thanks following friend(s) to help translate: Obrigado ao(s) amigo(s)por ajudar a traduzir: TRANSLATE_CHOOSE Choose language: Choose language: TRANSLATE_HELP Help us translate website Help us translate website. RECAPTCHA_HELP shows when used to many addresses, IP will replace %s There are too many requested addresses from your IP, %s. We need to make sure you are human. Please answer the CAPTCHA below, and click the submit button to get a confirmation. RECAPTCHA_VISUAL_CHALLENGE Get a visual challenge Get a visual challenge RECAPTCHA_AUDIO_CHALLENGE Get an audio challenge Get an audio challenge RECAPTCHA_REFRESH_BTN Get a new challenge Get a new challenge RECAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS_VISUAL Type the two words: Type the two words: RECAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS_VISUAL_LIMIT Type the numbers Type the numbers: RECAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS_AUDIO Type what you hear: Type what you hear: RECAPTCHA_HELP_BTN Help Help RECAPTCHA_PLAY_AGAIN Play sound again Play sound again RECAPTCHA_CANT_HEAR_THIS Download sound as MP3 Download sound as an MP3 RECAPTCHA_INCORRECT_TRY_AGAIN Incorrect. Try again. Incorrect. Try again. ERROR_404_TITLE page not found ,title 404 Not Found ERROR_404_HELP about page not found The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. ERROR_403_TITLE forbidden ,title 403 Proíbido: Acesso negado ERROR_403_HELP about forbidden Não tem permissão para ver esta directoria ou página ERROR_500_TITLE shows when site is down, title 500 Internal Server Error ERROR_500_HELP shows when site is down There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. ERROR_503_TITLE shows when site is down, title 503 Serviço Indisponível HELP_DOWN shows when site is down. 10minutemail.net está acima da sua capacidade. Nós iremos voltar brevemente. ERROR_BACKUP_SITE shows when something wrong. Por favor tente seguir as seguintes ligações ou sítios: