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META_KEYWORDin meta tag keywordMail ta '10 Minuti: Indirizz tal-email Temporanju, li jintremew, b'xejn u sigur għall-prevenzjoni tal-ispam
META_DESCRIPTIONin meta tag descriptionServizz tal-email li jintrema temporanjament biex jegħleb l-ispam. Evita l-ispam b'indirizz tal-email b'xejn u sigur ta '10 minuti. Uża s-servizz tagħna kemm-il darba trid.
LBL_TITLEsite name in your language (need to be translated)Mail ta ’10 Minuti
LBL_TITLE_MOBILEsite name in your language (need to be translated) + mobileMail ta ’10 Minuti Mobbli
HELP_ABOUTabout 10minutemail.net10minutemail.net huwa servizz ta 'e-mail b'xejn u li jintremew. L-indirizz tal-posta elettronika temporanju tiegħek jiskadi wara 10 minuti, u wara ma tistax taċċessah. Tista 'testendi l-ħin b'10 minuti.
Il-websajt li qed tirreġistra magħha tista 'tkun qed tbigħ l-informazzjoni personali tiegħek; qatt ma tkun taf fejn se tiġi ppubblikata l-e-mail tiegħek. Indirizz elettroniku b'ħajja ta '10 minuti huwa l-aħjar soluzzjoni biex tipprevjeni dan.
LBL_10_MINUTE_MAILfirst title (site name need to be translated)Merħba Mail ta ’10 Minuti
LBL_10_MINUTE_MAIL_MOBILEfirst mobile title (site name need to be translated)Merħba Mail ta ’10 Minuti Mobbli
LBL_LANGUAGE_INFOAbout LanguageDwar il-lingwa
LBL_INDEXin menuId-dar
LBL_ABOUTin menuDwar
LBL_FEEDBACKin menuFeedback
LBL_WELCOMETOWelcome to Merhba
LBL_YOUREMAILdisplay email address, mail address will replace %sL-indirizz elettroniku temporanju tiegħek huwa: %s
LBL_YOUREMAIL_WILLdisplay lift time, time will replace %sL-indirizz elettroniku tiegħek jiskadi f '% s
LBL_MORE_10_MINUTEmore timeAgħtini %s iktar minuti!
LBL_NEWONEget another e-mail address.Ikseb indirizz elettroniku ieħor. (L-Email kurrenti tiskadi.)
LBL_COPYcopy to clipboardIkkopja lill-clipboard
LBL_RECOVERINGrecover address, mail address will replace %sIrkupru tal-indirizz tal-email imħassar.
LBL_FOLLOW_USFollow usSegwina
LBL_FEATURE_A_CONTENTabout DisposableIl-kaxxi tal-posta kollha jintremew, ladarba l-kaxxa tal-posta tiegħek tkun tħassret ħadd qatt ma jkun jista 'jerġa' jaċċessaha.
LBL_FEATURE_B_TITLEPrivate inboxInbox privata
LBL_FEATURE_B_CONTENTabout Private inboxAħna ma jipprovdux kaxxi tal-posta tad-dwana. kaxxi tal-posta huma ġġenerati b'mod każwali. ladarba jkun intuża l-isem tal-kaxxa tal-posta tiegħek ma jerġax jintuża. Oħrajn mhumiex kapaċi jaqraw il-posta tiegħek.
LBL_FEATURE_C_TITLERefill in timeErġa 'imla fil-ħin
LBL_FEATURE_C_CONTENTabout Refill in timeTista 'testendi l-ħin fil-kaxxa postali ħin effettiv. Tista 'tissettja sa 100 minuta.
LBL_FEATURE_D_CONTENTabout RecoveryYour just-expired mailbox can be recovered before it is removed from the system.
LBL_FEATURE_E_TITLEMobile supportMobile support
LBL_FEATURE_E_CONTENTabout Mobile supportWe have a dedicated website for mobile devices, you can easily use our service on your mobile device.
LBL_FEATURE_F_TITLEDomain changedDomain changed
LBL_FEATURE_F_CONTENTabout Domain changedWe replace the domain name every 45 days, to avoid some admins blocking our domain.
LBL_NEED_SUPPORT10 Minute Mail needs your support10 Minute Mail needs your support
LBL_SUPPORT_USSupport 10 Minute MailSupport 10 Minute Mail
LBL_MAKE_DONATIONMake a donation to usMake a donation to us
CONTACT_TITLEContact usContact us
CONTACT_INFOabout ContactJekk jogħġbok uża Facebook jew Email: %s biex tikkuntattjana (bl-Ingliż jew biċ-Ċiniż). Jekk jogħġbok innota li mhux dejjem nirrispondu, imma nippruvaw nagħmlu l-almu tagħna.
FAQ_Q1Q1Q1: Can I customize mailboxes?
FAQ_A1A1A1: NO, our website is a REAL disposable mail service, we cannot allow users to customize any name for the mailboxes. This is to protect the privacy of all users, thank you for your understanding.
FAQ_Q2Q2Q2: Can my mailbox be regenerated?
FAQ_A2A2A2: NO, we record a bitmap hash of the generated mailbox name. After the mailbox has been deleted, this record will prevent the same mailbox name ever being generated again.
FAQ_Q3Q3Q3: It just 10 minutes?
FAQ_A3A3A3: NO, you can extend the time before it expires, and always extend the time let mailbox does not expire.
WELCOME_EMAIL_TITLEHi, Welcome to 10 Minute MailHi, Welcome to 10 Minute Mail
WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_HEADabout Greetings, Attention to HTMLDear Anonymous,

Thank you for using 10 Minute Mail to fight spam, your temporary disposable email is :
WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_LINE_1about Time, Attention to HTMLUse it to communicate with any website you want to. You have 10 minutes to use this mailbox, If the time is not enough, by click "Give me more 10 minutes" or "Refill" to extend it.
WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_LINE_2about Privacy, Attention to HTMLFor using this service you MUST enable cookie and javascript, cookie is just to record your session id and language preference, in addition to following third-party website widget: Addthis, Adsense, Analytics, etc., we will NOT give your personal information to third parties or used for personal identification.
WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY_FOOTERabout Ending, Attention to HTMLTim ta 'Mail ta' 10 Minuti

Segwi magħna:

INFO_TIMESUPmail address expired messageYour temporary e-mail has self-destructed.
INFO_COMPLETELY_DELETEDYour temporary e-mail %s has been deleted completely, can not recover.Your temporary e-mail %s has been deleted completely and cannot be recovered.
INFO_REPORTThank you for reporting issues, we will be fixed soon.Thank you for reporting issues. They will be fixed soon.
INFO_YOUCANYou can...You can...
INFO_REFRESHrefresh this page.Refresh this page.
INFO_GET_NEWONEget another e-mail address.Get another e-mail address.
INFO_HISTORYCheck mailbox history.Check mailbox history.
LBL_MORE_10_MINUTE_2MUST SHORT, Refill (More Time)Refill
LBL_NEWONE_2MUST SHORT, New (Get new mail address)New
LBL_RECOVERING_2MUST SHORT, Recover (Recover deleted mail address)Recover
INFO_REFRESH_2MUST SHORT, Refresh (Refresh inbox)Refresh
LBL_DELETE_ALLMUST SHORT, Delete allDelete all
LBL_SELECT_ALLMUST SHORT, Select allSelect all
LBL_INVERT_SELECTIONMUST SHORT, Invert selectionInvert selection
LBL_MOBILEMobile versionMobile version
MAIL_READReadMailRead Mail
MAIL_NOSUBJECTNo SubjectNo Subject
MAIL_ERROR_OPENaccess e-mail failure messagesAttempt to access e-mail has failed.
MAIL_ERROR_NOTinsufficient permissions messagesYou do not have permission to access this e-mail.
MAIL_READ_HELPIf you can't read this email, click hereIf you can't read this email, click here
MAIL_FULL_MAILFull mailFull mail
MAIL_NEW_WINDOWNew windowNew window
TIME_JUST_NOWjust nowissa
TIME_SECOND1 second1 sekonda
TIME_SECONDS%s seconds, number will replace %s%s sekondi
TIME_MINUTE1 minute1 minuta
TIME_MINUTES%s minutes, number will replace %s%s minuti
TIME_HOUR1 hour1 siegħa
TIME_HOURS%s hours, number will replace %s%s sigħat
TIME_DAY1 day1 jum
TIME_DAYS%s days, number will replace %s%s jiem
TIME_WEEK1 weekĠimgħa
TIME_WEEKS%s weeks, number will replace %s%s ġimgħat
TIME_MONTH1 monthXahar
TIME_MONTHS%s months, number will replace %s%s xhur
TIME_YEAR1 yearSena
TIME_YEARS%s years, number will replace %s%s snin
TIME_AGO%s ago, time will replace %s%s ilu
LBL_DONATEDonate, MUST shortDonate
LBL_DONATE_COINkeep {coinName}Donate {coinName}
LBL_DONATE_HELPDonate help info, keep {coin}Please use this {coin} address to donate.
Thanks for your contribution!
LBL_DONATE_ADDRESSDonate addressClick here to send this address to your wallet.
PERMALINK_GETGet permalink.Get permalink.
PERMALINK_TIMEEmail Datetime:Email Datetime:
PERMALINK_SET_KEYSet Access Key:Set Access Key:
PERMALINK_ENTER_KEYEnter Access Key:Enter Access Key:
PERMALINK_TITLEPlease complete the form below to get permalink.Please complete the form below to get permalink.
PERMALINK_TITLE3Please complete the form below to get mailbox.Please complete the form below to get mailbox.
PERMALINK_ERRORChecksum error, make sure the URL or Access Key are correct.Checksum error, make sure the URL or Access Key are correct.
PERMALINK_URL_ERRORYour URL is wrong, please check again.Your URL is wrong, please check again.
PERMALINK_DOMAIN_ERRORThis domain is expired, go to https://10.re to recover your mailbox.This domain is expired, go to https://10.re to recover your mailbox.
PERMALINK_NOTICEAnyone who has permalink and access key can access this mailbox, if you don't want to announce the mailbox, do not disclose it.Protect your permalink and access key! Anyone who gains access to these can access your mailbox.
PERMALINK_TITLE2Here is your permalink, you can use this link to access the mailbox permanently.Here is your permalink, you can use this link to access the mailbox permanently.
LBL_HISTORYshort, History of email addressHistory
HISTORY_REFRESHMust short, RefreshRefresh
HISTORY_EXPORTMust short, ExportExport
HISTORY_EXPORT_ALLMust short, Export allExport all
HISTORY_IMPORTMust short, ImportImport
HISTORY_LISTMust short, ListList
HISTORY_DELIMITERMust short, DelimiterDelimiter
HISTORY_DOWNLOADMust short, DownloadDownload
HISTORY_WRONGThere is something wrong, please check.There is something wrong, please check.
HISTORY_MAILMust short, MailMail
HISTORY_KEYMust short, Access keyAccess key
HISTORY_DATETIMEMust short, DatetimeDatetime
HISTORY_CHOOSEChoose doamin name:Choose domain name:
HISTORY_IMPORT_HELP_LINE_1import help line 1You can import email history from others, but only limit domain name which is being used.
HISTORY_IMPORT_HELP_LINE_2import help line 2, translate part before the colon.Only accept JSON array: array[ object{ mail, url, key, time }, object, ... ]
DATATABLES_EMPTYTABLEwhen table is emptyNo data available in table.
DATATABLES_INFOnotice keep _START_ _END_ _TOTAL_ Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries
DATATABLES_INFOEMPTYwhen table is emptyShowing 0 to 0 of 0 entries
DATATABLES_INFOFILTEREDnotice keep "(", ")" and _MAX_ (filtered from _MAX_ total entries)
DATATABLES_LENGTHMENUnotice keep _MENU_Show _MENU_ entries
DATATABLES_SEARCHMust short ,notice the colonSearch:
DATATABLES_ZERORECODERSNo matching records found.No matching records found.
DATATABLES_ARIA_SORTASCENDINGnotice the colon: activate to sort column ascending
DATATABLES_ARIA_DESCENDINGnotice the colon: activate to sort column descending
HISTORY_HELP_LINE_1Need to be translatedIl-Permalink u ċ-ċavetta tal-aċċess huma maħżuna fuq il-browser tiegħek, aħna ma nżommux id-dejta tiegħek. Jekk tħassar id-dejta tal-browser tiegħek, dawn ir-rekords jiġu kklerjati.
HISTORY_HELP_LINE_2Need to be translatedPlease note that when we replace the domain name, the old record will be cleared. This applies to all domain name has been disabled and the huge junk mail, which we are keep working, maybe one day we can make a permalink to all the mailboxes.
HISTORY_HELP_NO_SUPPORTNeed to be translated, infomation when browser does not support localStorageIl-browser tiegħek ma jappoġġjax il-ħażna lokali, jekk jogħġbok kun żgur li l-verżjoni tal-browser tiegħek hija akbar minn IE 8+, Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+, Opera 10.5+, u tippermetti lis-sit jaċċessa ħażna lokali.
HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_TITLEDelete confirmDelete confirm
HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_TEXTSingularAre you sure you want to delete the following address?
HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_ES_TEXTpluralityAre you sure you want to delete the following addresses?
HISTORY_CONFIRM_DELETE_ALL_TEXTAll ofAre you sure you want to delete all addresses?
REPOTER_SELECTPlease select one issue from the options.Please select one issue from the options.
REPOTER_RECEIVECan not receive the mail from a website.Cannot receive the mail from a website.
REPOTER_READCan not read email.Cannot read email.
REPOTER_ATTACHMENTSCan not download attachments.Cannot download attachments.
REPOTER_LINKSURL links in email have problems.URL links in the e-mail have problems.
REPOTER_ELSEElse, please describe the problem.Or, please describe the problem.
SUBMIT_LEAVE_NAMEPlease leave a name at least.Please leave a name at least.
SUBMIT_SELECT_ONEPlease select one issue from the options.Please select one issue from the options.
SUBMIT_CONFIRMAre you sure you want to submit the form?Are you sure you want to submit this form?
TRANSLATE_DIRECTIONSin translate page directionsDirections
TRANSLATE_KEYSin translate page keysKeys
TRANSLATE_IN_LANGUAGEin translate page in languageIn %s
TRANSLATE_TRANSLATE_TO_LANGUAGEin translate page translate to languageTranslate to %s
TRANSLATE_THANKSThanks following friend(s) to help translate:Thank you to the following friend(s) for helping us translate:
TRANSLATE_CHOOSEChoose language:Choose language:
TRANSLATE_HELPHelp us translate websiteHelp us translate website.
RECAPTCHA_HELPshows when used to many addresses, IP will replace %sHemm wisq indirizzi mitluba mill-IP tiegħek,% s. Għandna bżonn niżguraw li int uman. Jekk jogħġbok wieġeb il-CAPTCHA hawn taħt, u kklikkja fuq il-buttuna Ibgħat biex tikseb konferma.
RECAPTCHA_VISUAL_CHALLENGEGet a visual challengeGet a visual challenge
RECAPTCHA_AUDIO_CHALLENGEGet an audio challengeGet an audio challenge
RECAPTCHA_REFRESH_BTNGet a new challengeGet a new challenge
RECAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS_VISUALType the two words:Type the two words:
RECAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS_VISUAL_LIMITType the numbersType the numbers:
RECAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS_AUDIOType what you hear:Type what you hear:
RECAPTCHA_PLAY_AGAINPlay sound againPlay sound again
RECAPTCHA_CANT_HEAR_THISDownload sound as MP3Download sound as an MP3
RECAPTCHA_INCORRECT_TRY_AGAINIncorrect. Try again.Incorrect. Try again.
ERROR_404_TITLEpage not found ,title404 Mhux Misjub
ERROR_404_HELPabout page not foundThe page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
ERROR_403_TITLEforbidden ,title403 Projbit: L-aċċess huwa miċħud
ERROR_403_HELPabout forbiddenYou do not have permission to view this directory or page.
ERROR_500_TITLEshows when site is down, title500 Żball tas-Server Intern
ERROR_500_HELPshows when site is downThere is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
ERROR_503_TITLEshows when site is down, title503 Servizz Mhux Disponibbli
HELP_DOWNshows when site is down.10minutemail.net is over capacity. We will be back soon.
ERROR_BACKUP_SITEshows when something wrong.Please try the following links or backup sites:

Please leave your information, we will place it in the language information page.
Name *
Mail not be shown publicly

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